

Calgary, Alberta

Site web


What is SeekBeak SB is a software that allows you bring your 360 photos and or flat images to life. You can add all kinds of interactive hotspots, such as audio, web links, images, dynamic forms, embedded video, shopping cart links, PDFs, etc. With SB you can easily create virtual tours, or as we like to call them virtual experiences. SB is basically a toolbox, it is not geared toward any one business sector. We think all kinds of people and businesses can benefit from using SB – whether it be real estate tours, virtual trade shows, museums, online training and education, retail shops or tour venues. Our clients range from historical churches to fortune 500 companies and they all use SB to promote their own unique businesses. Fields of Activity: Virtual Reality, Virtual Experiences, Virtual Tours, 360 Photos, Interactive media

Type d'entreprise : Autre / Other

Nombre d’employés : 2

Marché actifs : Canada, Amérique du Nord, Amérique du Sud, France, Europe (hors France), Asie, Autre

Collaboration avec d'autres pays : We have clients all over the world and collaborators in the United States, Australia and New Zealand and Netherlands and Italy.

Projets web :

Tags : #installation / #installations, #RV / #VR, #Interactif / Interactive

  Demo reel

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